Why join Team Prep2Prep?

Prep2Prep is the leading provider of opportunities for high school students interested in sports journalism. We have provided opportunities for hundreds of students just like you who have experienced just some of the following benefits:

  • Receive mentoring from professional journalists with over 30 years of sportswriting experience
  • Add valuable journalistic experience including writing, photography, podcasting, on-air coverage and more to your college resume
  • Develop your craft in a professional sports environment
  • Develop professional relationships with other journalists throughout the sports world
  • Share your work with your school newspaper or yearbook
  • Cover some of the biggest high school sporting events in your area
  • Get paid for your contributions
  • Be part of a one-of-a-kind team!

Whether you want to hone your writing skills, become a more well-rounded journalist or get an early start on a career in sports journalism, Prep2Prep has an opportunity for you.

No experience is necessary - if you have a passion for sports and a willingness to learn, Team Prep2Prep would love to have you as our newest member.

Prep2Prep/Bay Area News
Group Collaboration
"My years at Prep2Prep have been unforgettable. It is what shaped me into becoming a better writer and developing and strengthening my passion for journalism and sports. I believe it was an essential step into getting into USC and the reason I was able to interview people like Marquis Lee, Lane Kiffin, Ed Orgeron, and many others. Those are moments that I will never forget, and I credit all of them to my involvement with P2P in the beginning of my senior year."

Jacob Rudger
Carlmont High School
University of Southern California

"I can never thank you enough for everything you and your editorial staff has taught me, and the real world experience I've gained. If I could do it over again, I wouldn't hesitate to make the decision to apply again. Being a part of P2P wasn’t just a job for extra cash, it really helped inspire me and assure me that this is something I really want to do in the future. P2P helped mature my love for sports writing and covering sports, and I'll never be able to thank you enough for that. In my mind, this is the perfect program for aspiring HS journalists."

Elizabeth Kuhlmann
Blue Valley Northwest High School
University of Kansas